Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Brianna's musical

Brianna decided to participate in our church musical this year. Here's some cute pictures:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Barley Visit!

This summer the Barley's came to visit us! While there we forgot to take any pictures until the last 2 days. But we did a couple cute ones. One night, we had a birthday party and then a fun scavenger hunt for Seth and Leah

Monkey Joe's!

Hunter was scared of Leah the entire time she was here, but I guess she just looked so innocent when she slept.

Finally 15!

Cooking Camp

Over the summer Brianna and I did a cooking camp. Here are some pictures from the two competitions we did. (We look very tired in a couple of them, because we had to stay up late baking our creations :P)

Mother-Daughter date

Sandy Cove

Over Memorial Weekend, we went to a Christian family resort, and on the way we stopped in Annapolis to do some sightseeing.

AT Sandy Cove there were many many activities to do, one of our favourites was the zip line.

Another of our favourite activities was the "water sled", which was basically a huge cylindrical inner tube that looked like a hot dog. There was someone in a boat pulling the "hotdog" and whipping it around. This is where we started:

And this is where we ended up:

Over the weekend, we created a family resolution and all the families piled their rocks together.